Mon 06 Jan
▌★ ▌💥💥💥💗💗💗💥💥💥100% REAL PICTURE 💥💥💗💗💗💥💥💥💥ASIAN 💥💥💥💗💗💗💥💥💥NEW 💥💥💥💗💗 - 22
(Philadelphia, AIRPORT 267-916-9077 OUTCALL)
🍌60SsYuM❤ YuM 💢Come ☆GeT🍭YoU👅 §ⓞmⓔ🍭 ✦💞BeAutIFuL💞✦✦ AMAZiNG SKiLLS🌹•-:¦ - 23
(Scranton, Private Hazleton Incall)
Sun 05 Jan
•★•Jasmine Your Dominican Mami Latin Flavor Ready For incalls an outcalls 24/7!!!! 717) 585-0490 - 25
(Scranton, wilkes-barre)
NEW ««°❀°❀ #1 All American°❀ °❀° BARBIE TyPe❀ °❀° CALL NOW❀ °❀° (( ready 2 play )) 100%independent - 22
(Scranton, wilkes barre/ limited time only)
L@st D@y 2 Pl@y ♥♥ Swing Over My W@y ♥♥ A 30 Min. St@y ♥♥ Will T@ke Your Bre@th Aw@y - 45
(Scranton, Gone! You missed me)
Justice Incall and outcall the hazleton area Please read (sorry had wrong number its right now) - 28
(Scranton, hazleton)
🔥🔥🔥I'm Heather💥💥Feisty Red Head💥💥Sexy💥💥Petite💥💥100% ReaL & WoRth it💥💥OuTcAllS Only!!🔥🔥🔥 - 21
(Scranton, 🔥💥WiLkeS BarRe💥🔥OuTCaLLs OnLy💥🔥)
✨New 👑Columbian Princess 💎Official exclusive 💎Miss Kardash💋 highly reviewed💯 (980)319-5380 - 21
(Scranton, Wilkes barre)
Sarah Sin is Back!! ultimate exotic massage💋 you WONT be disappointed. !!3026858072 - 28
(Scranton, Pittston)
★•★•★ Outcall Specials all weekend long with your one and only •★•★•★ - 21
(Scranton, Wilkes barre/ Scranton/pittston/etc.)
👅New😜Watery💦Lips💋CuRvy HipS 💦👅 SIZZLIN HOT))◄ ╝_❶PhAT BOOTy ★ It♡JUICY - 22
(off 182 B on to Davis st 310 985 2429, Scranton)
let your fantasy come to a reality when u play with me - 23
(Philadelphia, philadelphia and surrounding area)
💋LEXY💋DRIPPING with DESIRE💗💗💗..24/7 INCALL & OUTCALL avail💗💗💗call for specials!**💗💗💗 - 23
(Scranton, Wilkes barre/pittston/scranton)
Last day to see foxy...the biggest tits in Pa! call or text 917 995 or text.. - 23
(Scranton, hotel in pittson/or your place)
Let Me Put My Lips To Good Use, Wilkes Barre/Scranton Area Wednesdsay 2/3-4
(Wilkes Barre/Scranton Area)
$peCiaLS !!!GREEN eyeZ ITaLian B0MbsheLL !! L00K @ my piC!z!! pREttie$t girL on BP !! sexY picz!!!!! - 21
(Scranton, Scranton incall)
***** Jewels ***** Available for a short time ***** $$$$$ New pics $$$$$ - 25
(Scranton, scanton/wilks berre)
IN yourTOWN visiting my ChOcOLaTe LOveR 'S ...... ChOcOLaTe SeNSaTIoN 4 all Of U SWEETcRaVeRS! - 22
(Scranton, Wilkes Barre💋Highway 315)
Kendra's Back - Available NOW ✔ & I'm ☆ Alw@ys On My N@ughtiest ☆ Beh@vior!! ★ NO TEXTING★ - 34
(Scranton, WILKES BARRE.)
☆ CoMe HaVe SuM FuN ☆ In HEAVEN! ☆ LeTs MaKE Ur DREAMS ReALiTy! $80hh ☆CALL ME!☆ ♥ 570-5-4775 ♥ - 21
(Scranton, Wilkes Barre/at my place :))
( EXoTIC LOOKs ) ____ SWeEThEART____ ( DANGeROUS CURVeS ) ___VisiTinG - 23
(Allentown, Bethlehem__Allentown Avail Now)
Elegant, Sexy, Elite Companion for Mature Sophisticated Gentlemen . 2 & 4 Hour Dates Preferred - 44
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Lancaster and All of PA, Penn State, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
* * Erotic* Sexy *avialable 24/7 * Unrushed & Clean fun * Descreet* Come see' - 27
(Scranton, wilkesbarre in or out call)
♥️♥️♥️ EyEs that will make you fall in love! ♥️♥️♥️ Body that will have u memorize ,lips that yu want 💋💋💋💋 - 22
(Scranton, Kidder st Wilkes Barre incalls/out)
❤️BeauTiful GOODESS❤️ OnE OF A KiNd💋 💨💨💨🔥HeRE 2 Make Ya Day ! - 23
(Private Hazleton In/Outcall, Scranton)
100 for half hr 200 for hr! incall only! no prebooking! all natural! no make up needed! - 23
(Scranton, wilkesbarre)
Baby it's Cold Outside,Lets Turn Up The Heat! Abby is Available! - 31
(Scranton, Scranton/ Wilkes Barre/Hazleton/Pocono's)
•••► PERFECT ➓True BluE Blonde☆CowGirl, * ALWaYS _The_ BeST _ CHoiCE ☆ - 22
(Scranton, In-Call & Out)
❀💕 †h℮ uℓtiℳαtε ℮x℘℮ґi℮η¢℮ 💕❀ †hiCk †highs💕 δk¡llεd L¡ps💕 & †hε †¡gh†εδ† Gя¡p💕 • ☆ρυRe ρℓ℮αδυRε - 20
(Scranton, Scranton iNCAllS ONly)
I want to be your girl tonight - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, 10 minutes away)
♥ Jade Rivers [Come see the woman you DESERVE] → Call ANYTIME ♥ →Don't miss Out!!!← - 21
(Scranton, Incall wilkes barre. Outcall all over)
hey guys lets have sum fun!! dont miss out (no appt. needed!!) ★in call only★ - 26
(Scranton, wilkesbarre in call only)
EAST INDIAN BEAUTY❤️YOUNG, SLENDER, PETITE ❤️Cute Face/Slim waist/Wanna Taste?❤ - 21
(Scranton, Wilkes Barre)
♚ Misstress Simmons ♚ BDSM_Seeking! MY Older White SUbmmisive Bi#CH!!!! LAST NIGHT !!! LAST NIGHt!! - 24
(Scranton, Scranton, (Incall & Out))
Visiting- JUICY Ebony Booty █❀•~ ❤ Bombshell&VERSE; TOP[★] --the NASTIEST! - 21
(Scranton, Wilkes-Barre)
NEW Gorgeous , Black/Dominican Ts Beauty Here For LIMITED Time !! Stop Browsing Im The BESTEST !!! - 24
(Wilkes Barre/Pa.)
:--- HOT---:| | : ---EBONY --- :| | :---BEAUTY ---:| | :TS--- (AmmiLiA) - 25
(¨*:. ★Wilkes Barre Pa. ★)
👑💕👑💕👑QuEeN MiKaYlA HeRE 2 SatiSIfY💕👑💕👑💕👉🏾DoNT MiSS OuT🙅🏼😘AvAiLAbLe 24/7😍❤️💋💋 - 21
(Scranton, Wilkes Barre)
**** Re-defining * Your * Expectations * Scranton * Sat 10/24 & Sun 10/25 * By Appointment **** - 37
(Close To Route 81, Scranton)
PlAtInUm CuTiE100% REAL PiCS!🌟♛ÜPֆCAℓ£⇧♛🌟 ⇨➋➍/➆ ((★ 5 ST☆R S€RViCE ★)) ღ❤•H℮R℮ ➋ βℓΟω γΟυr Μιηd •❤ღ - 22
(Scranton, Wilkes-Barre)
❤❤❤Sexy Asian BodY SLIDE🍎🍎 Amazing Body 🍎🍎🍎🍎HOT🍎🍎🍎🍎BUSTY 🍎🍎🍎🍎GORGEOUS🍎🍎🍎🍎 - 22
(location;,Larksville,PA☎570-852-9242, Scranton)
SPECIAL IN Wilkes-Barre NOW In/Outcall I'll Be here till 6pm `'WILD ExPeRiAnCe Âb§OLut€Ly ÂmÂzInG - 24
(Scranton, Hazleton/freeland. in/outcall noscranton)