Thu 09 Jan
🔲 🔲 ⚠️⚠️ BLONDIE 🔲🔲⚠️⚠️ AV@!L@BLE NOW!!!🔲⚠️ BeST of THE BeST 🔲🔲⚠️⚠️ CALL ME🔲🔲⚠️⚠️ - 23
Do you need a N U R U * B O D Y 2 B O D Y * Masseuse in your area? (( May 1st )) - 27
(Scranton, DOWNTOWN)
♡★♡★♡ SeXy BoMbSheLL ★✦Jenna Starr★✦ ReAdY tO B L O W yOuR MiNd!!! ♡★♡★♡ - 26
(Scranton, Wilkes Barre, PA)
TOp Notch Beauty JUst a call Away ♡ Upscαℓε beauty ♥▬ Naughty ♡ #1 Pℓαγmαtε - 19
(Scranton, scranton/dunmore/dickson city incalls)
Sweet temptation 🍒🍒 ChErRy here🎀 Hotel friendly/ mixed exotic treat come and PLAY🎀👯💋 - 21
(Scranton, Wilkes barre)
♡Twin Barbies..Mocha n Chocolate..The darker the berry the sweeter the juice♡ - 24
(Scranton, wilke barre/kidder st incall only)
Top Quality --100% GOOD TIME !... sPECiaL..... IsLanD SpiCe - 23
(Scranton, Wilkes-Barre/Scranton(in/out))
~ *♛* *:.♥ ;:*¨¨*: : WiiLL LeAVe YOU SPeeCHLeSS :*¨¨*:. ♥:*¨ *♛* - 21
(scranton wilksbarre)
Very Sexy ... Ready to Play ... 100% Satisfaction - 25
(Scranton, Wilkes Barre / Scranton / Pittston)
╚>╚ SOFT__ SWEEt__ THiCknESS → iNdULGE!! → CARaMeL__ &__CReAM__ INdULgE!!!!
(Scranton, Wilkesbarre IN&OUT;)
........... ADD ......... FLAVOR ........ TO...... YOUR ......... DULL ......... LIFE ...... - 21
(Scranton, Incall/Outcall W-B Surrounding)
Cute College Co-ed, Party Girl for Good Times! - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, In the city)
B2️⃣B ▐ ☆▐▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃💓▐ ☆▐ New Asian Girls !! ▐ ☆▐▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃💓▐ ☆▐ ☎ younger and HOT ▐ ☆▐▃▃▃▃▃first time - 20
(Scranton, Wilkes barre 803-567-0603 new new girl)
Brand New to Area, Sexy Adult Playmate .Becca ! Outcall Only $200 Special - 29
(Scranton, yourplace)
☆҉ TH€ R€AL D€AL💢🌟💢🌟 ▓►i´LL__B€__¥øUR__ FÂVoR¡T€ 💎 ßяÜNèTTè Aðð¡CT¡ØN {{💯% R€AL}}💋 RUSSIAN 💋 - 24
(Scranton, WILKES-BARRE 💋💋)
ts.SooKie ©ummings;) SweetWhiteGirlwith a lil BlueBerrySpla§h I love to wear lingerie TheThing is that men always rip it off soo quickly - 23
(Scranton, wilksbarre,hanover)
Wed 08 Jan
†hiCk †highs💕 δk¡llεd L¡ps💕 & †hε †¡gh†εδ† Gя¡p💕 • ☆ρυRe ρℓ℮αδυRε☆ - 23
(Scranton, Wilkes barre,Scranton)
★ ThIcK HoTtIe ♥ WiTh A SmOkIn BoDy ♥ I'LLDEliVeR yOUr DeSIres °°★ - 21
❤█{{WOOOW!!!}} █ NEW█ToP NoTcH! ❤BIG BOOTY ❤SeXy Pueto Rican ★ {(SHORT TIME ONLY)} •★• AVAIL. NOW - 25
(Scranton, Dunmore incall)
LET"S GET TOGETHER.....570-239-1849 ♥ ♥AVA♥♥ Sexy&Mature; - 40
(Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and surrounding areas)
hot 25 italian girls italia and kat have both for double trouble or one for one on one fun - 25
(Scranton, wilkesbarre)
♥ Jade Rivers [Come see the woman you DESERVE] - 20
(Scranton, Incall wilkes barre. Outcall all over)
Who Wants Money Today $$$$ We Are Hiring Again For Our Fall Schedule All Are Welcome $$$$ - 33
(Allentown, Philadelphia, Scranton)
SuP€R Fr€AK¥ + SuP€R Hung +F!NG€R L!CKiNG GooD - 26
(9 Inch Rd, Allentown, Harrisburg, Poconos, Reading, Scranton)
STOP✋RIGHT✋THERE✋ Let me blow your mind💥💥 - 38
(Danville, Harrisburg, Poconos, Scranton, Williamsport)
10 INCH MoRGAN- ILLUMINATING 267. 423█ 9590█◆ A Petite and Blonde _____JUST PLAIN Hot BARbie __ - 19
(Scranton, Scranton, wilkes paTurnpike)
BITE into this JUICY APPLE Gorgeous EXoTiC ♡9.5FF♥LOVE Freaky guys ♡♥♡ACTUAL PICS! NOT A FAKE - 23
(Scranton, Scranton nd Wilkes Barrie)
♥★NeW ♥★*HoT SeXy Exotic♥★1OOO% ReAL PiCs GuRaNTeeD ♥★CuTe FaCe ♥★SMaLL WAiSt ♥★ - 24
(Scranton, wilkes barre !!! rt 315)
NEW PICTURES~~ 100% realy me... Available after 5 pm M-F all day sat & sun - 22
(Scranton, Tyranny ville -- wilkes barre)
★Wilkes Barre ! ★PROSTATE MASSAGE ★ Role Play - FETISH Play & More ★ Toys Available★ - 35
(Scranton, Wilkes Barre)
*****Top Notch Service -(From Domincan Republic)- (Me Or Its Free) ***** - 20
(Scranton, Scranton / Wilkes Barre / Pittston)
19 years old Fun& sexy Italian and Spanish Horny as well (570)550-3137!!! NOW ACcePTING IN CALLS - 19
(Scranton, wilkesbarre)
Vivian Cox ...older elegance no games. 9542541737 book now !!! NO TEXTS! I WILL BLOCK YOU! - 40
(Scranton, wilkesbarre/pittston/ scranton)
[☆] ♛[THE ☆PERFECT ☆TREAT☆ ] ♛ [☆] DeLiCiOus [☆] ♛ [☆] SwEet & LoVeLy [☆] ♛1000% ME!! [☆]♛[☆] - 21
(Scranton, Wilkes-Barre ♛☆♛)
.. HOT~ YOUNG~ N~FUN so call now!! u wont b disappointed! - 26
(Scranton, Pittston/ In calls (only))
EAST INDIAN BEAUTY❤️YOUNG, SLENDER, PETITE ❤️Cute Face/Slim waist/Wanna Taste?❤ - 21
(Scranton, IN & OUTCALL!! Wilkes Barre)
•´¨*•.¸¸. ♥♥╠╣E╚╚O♥♥ .¸¸.•*¨`•? ?•´¨*•.¸¸. ♥♥╠╣E╚╚O♥♥ .¸¸.•*¨`•? ?•´¨*•.¸¸. ♥♥╠╣E╚╚O♥♥ - - 21
(Scranton, ★★★ WILKES BARRE★★★ 24/7 AVAIL@BLE NOW)
***~~FiEsTy BrUnEtTe BoMbShElL***~~ ReAdY To PlEaSe AnD RoCk Ur WoRlD - 25
(Scranton, WILKES BARRE / PITTSTON /Scranton)
EAST INDIAN BEAUTY❤️YOUNG, SLENDER, PETITE ❤️Cute Face/Slim waist/Wanna Taste?❤ - 21
(Scranton, Wilkes Barre)
specials all night give me a call !!!
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
Sexy NIna( Real BIg Boobs) I love White Guys $100 1hr incalls only - 23
(Scranton, Hazelton pa/Hazelton pa)
♥♡SuperSeXi♥♡ EXotic♥♡ PlayMate♥♡. Ready 4Fun ( Incall Lehigh Valley) ♥♡ - 36
(Poconos, (Off Rt78 W..Private..Safe))