Thu 02 Jan
【 Misha 】💜🌟🌟💜🌟🌟💜 Gorgeous White/Black/Native American Beauty 💜🌟🌟💜🌟🌟💜 - 31
(Scranton, Your Place...Visiting)
***** New - (Me or It's Free) - From The (Dominican Republic) Specials - 20
(Scranton, Wilkes Barre / Scranton)
((look inside)) Your FantaSy pLAyMatE... PrEtty, PEtitE & PLaYfUL! JuSt A pHoNe cAll AwAy.!! - 19
$$$$$ Jewels $$$$$ Specials $$$$$ 100% satisfaction $$$$$ & - 30
(Scranton, Scranton / in call only)
Hottest Babe in NEPA can be at your doorstep, just a call away. 570-328-5045 - 28
(Scranton, Scranton/Wilkes--Barre pa)
I have what u require 2 achive all your desires all u have 2 do is call & inquire maybe in room now - 23
LONG darK HAIR .... HOTT //// SEXy //// HORNy /// In CALL SPECIALS.. - 23
(Scranton, Scranton / Wilkes Barre)
[•♥•][•♥•] N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [•♥••♥•] NEVER LOOKED [•♥••♥•] THIS N*I*C*E ;)- [•♥•][•♥•] - 20
(Scranton, Wilkes Barre)
Let me love u down n so many ways that none can compare special special maybe n room now - 22
(Scranton, wilkes barre)
NEW NEW NEW !!! ITALIAN GREEN EYED PerfeCt b0mBsheLL!!! H0t PiXxZ!! L00K!! BuBBLE ButT wHiTe giRL !! - 21
(Scranton, scranton incall only!!!)
NEW 2 BiZZ** BusTy*☆* FiVe St★R * BruNEttE BaRbiEs * SeXXy HoTT * DOll facEd CuTiEs*☆* - 19
(Scranton, ✪WILKES /SCRANTON✪)
🐯 👐 Long lingering kisses💋And most importantly i♡KEEPING SECRECTS😛WhiteGentlemen Only😲😍💋😘 - 21
(Scranton, wilkesbarre area)